The Story So Far:

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Still swimming, weighin week 14/11/2011

Hello everyone!

Feeling a little bit pleased with myself at the moment. 

I decided to go and do my workout yesterday morning before I did my weighin, so I'm fairly certain that it was a bit of a fluke/cheat.  

I got up at a fairly reasonable time (no dragging this ass out of bed at 7am!) and went for a nice long swim.

Seriously. A *LONG* swim! I decided that I was going to do a whole hour! And I did! I started at 09:35 and I finished at 10:40!  I was so pleased with myself.  I can pretty much do the breast stroke now.  Still nowhere near it with the front crawl, but I can do a couple of full lengths of the (admittedly only 25m) pool now!  My stamina and endurance will only get better from here on in, but I tell you, I am so bloody proud of myself you would not believe!  The grin I had on my face when I first did an entire length of the pool, it actually hurt my face I was smiling so much! :D

So, weighin.  I did my lovely hour in the pool (stopping briefly to sign up to join the leisure center to try and save a bit of money for my multi visits) and got home and stepped on the scale.

13 Stone 1.75lbs


That's a loss of 2.25lbs in a week! I have *not* behaved well enough to deserve that. Especially after the big meal I ate on Saturday night (lot of beer, lot of food, lot of fun)

So, I'm pretty sure a lot of that was an empty tummy (I didn't eat before swimming in case of cramp) and dehydration - I get really thirsty after a swim!!   BUT, if I behave myself a fair bit this week I should be able to maintain it and stay on track for my target of the 5th December.

Very pleased :)

1 comment:

  1. Woo-hoo for both your achievements.

    You'll be swimming to the Isle of Man and hiking Snaefell for fun in no time ;)
