The Story So Far:

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Back to reality

Hi everyone.

Did you have a good Christmas/New Year time?

Hope so.

Mine was fine thanks, yeah, a little crazy but generally enjoyable.

Put on weight? Um well. I haven't dared to look yet.

I spent the entire time either sitting on my butt driving the car for about 3 hours at a time or sitting on my butt drinking sloe gin and eating christmas pudding.

I feel atrocious!

I have today off and I really should be down at the swimming pool right now getting myself back into the swing of things exercise wise, but really the only thing that I can bring myself to do is sit right here and type this blog post berating myself for not getting down to the swimming pool and getting back into the swing of things...

This is the year that I want to hit goal. I can't stress enough how badly I want to get to that magic number.  It pisses me off that I have to slow down my rate of loss now to keep stupid body happy and out of plateau mode, but it's what I have to do.

Having said that, I'm aiming at 2 weeks at 1200 calories per day to get myself back on track with my eating. Exercise will come as I get more into the swing of things.  Having said that, I know that I should still do something today... I'll see how it goes.

Anyway. I've no doubt that I'll get back into the way of it, I enjoyed having a "thin" christmas. Wearing clothes that made me look nice and feeling like a normal person - at least for a little while.

It's still a strange feeling, I guess it's to do with the company that I keep, they all have known me for a long time and I have always been big, so when I'm with them all I don't feel any different, so I feel like old me.  Then I remember that old me isn't here anymore. Even though she's still making me have some more crisps and cake.

It's a weird feeling.

I wonder if you can ever shed the old fat feeling and actually feel normal? I guess normal is just whatever you are. Physical image shouldn't even intrude on your consciousness at all to be truly normal.


Happy New Year all.

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